Negroni Coffee
- 2 cl Amber Vermouth (about 1/3 of an espresso cup)
- 2 cl Bitter (about 1/3 of an espresso cup)
- 2 cl Gin (about 1/3 of an espresso cup)
- 3 cl coffee (espresso or prepared with mocha) Hausbrandt Gourmet Blend
- 3 cl Hazelnut Liqueur (about half espresso cup)
- Ice cubes
- Big ice cube
- no. 1 dehydrated slice of orange
- no. 1 stick of liquorice root
- no. 1 star anise
Recipe by Bruno Vanzan
Fill the tumbler glass with ice cubes and with the help of a bar spoon mix the ice to cool the walls of the glass.
Drain excess water with the help of a strainer.
Add the ingredients in the mixing glass starting with amber vermuth, bitter, gin, Hausbrandt coffee, hazelnut liqueur as the last ingredient.
Add ice cubes in the mixing glass and mix well all the ingredients with the help of the bar spoon.
Remove the ice from the glass tumbler and pour the contents of the mixing glass by filtering the ice with the help of the strainer.
Add the ice cube (the ice cube melts more slowly than the cubes and the cocktail retains its original flavour as well as remaining cold longer)
Decorate with the dehydrated orange slice, liquorice root and star anise.